Monica Paschoal Nogueira, M.D. is an orthopaedic surgeon from São Paulo, Brazil, who graduated from São Paulo University (USP), with a residency in Hospital das Clinicas (USP).
Dr. Nogueira’s main interests in orthopaedics are limb-lengthening and reconstruction, as well as congenital deformities. During her fellowship in Baltimore, U.S. with Dr. Paley and Dr. Herzenberg, she learned the Ponseti technique, which she considered one of the most precious things to bring back home. She presented clinical and basic research papers in limb-lengthening and clubfoot corrections in meetings in the U.S. (American Academy Of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Limb-Lengthening Reconstruction Society), and lectured and participated in Ponseti treatment workshops in Portugal, U.S., Germany, China, and South Africa.
Monica’s paper “Nerve Injuries In Limb-Lengthening,” published in 2003, got the Best Clinical Paper award at the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA) meeting in San Diego in 2001. She also contributed a clubfoot chapter of the new OKU: Pediatric Orthopaedics with Dr. Herzenberg, and wrote a chapter about complications in limb-lengthening in a book by Robert Rozbruch to be released in 2006.
She presented her first Ponseti cases in the Brazilian orthopaedic meeting in São Paulo in 2001, and organized two Ponseti courses with Dr. Reinaldo Volpi in UNESP (São Paulo State University). In 2003, Monica worked on courses with Dr. José Morcuende (Iowa, U.S.), Dr. Shafique Pirani (Vancouver, Canada), and Dr. Dalia Sepúlveda (Santiago, Chile). And in 2005, she worked again with Dr. José Morcuende (Iowa, U.S.) Dr. Shafique Pirani (Vancouver, Canada), Dr. Anna Ey (Barcelona, Spain), and Dr. Cristina Alves (Funchal, Madeira, Portugal). Monica also lectured in a number of other Ponseti workshops in four other cities in Brazil.
Dr. Nogueira works in the pediatric orthopaedic department of Hospital Beneficiencia Portuguesa and Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual in São Paulo, Brazil.
A coordinator of the Brazilian Ponseti Clubfoot Project — a national training program for orthopaedic surgeons — she is a member of the Medical Advisory Board of the Ponseti International Association for Clubfoot Treatment. Her plans are to make possible to reach and treat all the clubfoot children in Brazil and the world.
Today, Monica studies clubfoot treatment under a public-heath perspective in São Paulo University.