POSNA 2018 Conference
May 2018Austin, U.S.
Thank you, everyone, who joined us at this year’s POSNA conference, stopping by HELP’s booth and celebrating Dr. Lynn Staheli‘s acceptance of POSNA 2018’s Humanitarian Award.
Jun. 2018
Summer 2018 Newsletter
Our latest newsletter is now available. Please click here for the full flyer.
May 2018
Global HELP Founder, Dr. Lynn Staheli, Receives POSNA Humanitarian Award [Press Release]
Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA) recognizes Seattle pediatric orthopaedic surgeon for significant contribution to health of underserved
Seattle, Wash. – May 10, 2018 – Dr. Lynn Staheli, founder of Global HELP, Director of orthopedics at Seattle Children’s Hospital and pioneer in establishing the field of pediatric orthopedics has received the prestigious POSNA Humanitarian Award in recognition for outstanding altruistic contributions that include advocacy for responsible volunteerism and providing musculoskeletal care for children in underserved areas of the world.
Dr. Staheli‘s research, talks, and publications are credited with changing the management of developmental variations in children and dispelling the myth of the “corrective shoe”. He was recognized for this contribution in 1995 by the American Academy of Pediatrics, receiving the first Distinguished Service Award.
A not-for-profit professional organization, POSNA (Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America) is dedicated to advancing musculoskeletal care for children and adolescents through education, research, quality, safety and value initiatives, advocacy, and global outreach to children in underserved areas.
Founded by Dr. Staheli in 2002, Global HELP, Health Education using Low-cost Publications, is a free, open access medical library focused on children’s health with the goal of helping underserved communities help themselves. The mission of Global Help (HELP) is to provide free relevant healthcare information that is suitable for use by the underserved throughout the world.
Based on his experience teaching and travelling in more than 60 countries, Dr. Lynn Staheli realized there was a critical lack of practical, current and affordable healthcare information in the developing world. After his retirement from clinical practice, he focused on promoting the use of electronic publishing to make healthcare information free and widely available. HELP now provides resources to more than 190 countries in 35 different languages, including more than 180 free PDF publications and 175 GH videos that have been viewed more than a million times. Staheli‘s book, Clubfoot: Ponseti Management, is available in 30 languages and is included in the World Health Organization’s Blue Trunk of outstanding publications.
Dr. Staheli practiced at Children’s Hospital in Seattle for 30 years. He has published more than 85 peer-reviewed research studies and 16 books. His two innovations, the Staheli Shelf Hip Augmentation Operation and the Staheli Prone Test For Hip Flexion Contracture were pioneering in the orthopaedics field. He is the founding editor and editor emeritus of the Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. He initiated and funded the International Scholarship for Pediatric Orthopaedics, providing overseas physicians an opportunity to study in the United States. Dr. Staheli has been recognized with numerous awards over the years and currently serves as the Executive/Medical Director of Global HELP and is Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington.
“My life’s work has been to help children with orthopaedic challenges, especially those in underserved areas,” said Dr. Lynn Staheli, “I am very honored to receive the POSNA award and hope this recognition will help bring to attention the plight of at-risk children and inspire others to help as well.” -
Jan. 2018
Winter 2018 Newsletter
New year, new recap newsletter. Please click here for the full flyer.
Dec. 2017
Spanish Clubfoot: Ponseti Management [Poster] Now Available
Much thanks to Dr. Pablo Andrés-Cano for a new Spanish translation of our popular Clubfoot: Ponseti Management poster.
[Download & More Info] -
Oct. 2017
Eating Eggless Now Available
Elizabeth Moody Campbell‘s nutritional book Eating Eggless is now available for download From the description: ‘Children around the world with egg allergies, particularly in resource-poor areas, don’t have a lot of options. But Eating Eggless contains a simple eight-step guide to eating and living the eggless way, a resource section, and a list of alternative names for eggs and where they can be found in your food.’
[Download & More Info]Bo’s Cherub Feet & Bo’s Straight & Strong Feet Both Now Available In Romanian
Thank you to Daniela Oancea for translating both of Kim DeLeon‘s Bo’s Cherub Feet & Bo’s Straight & Strong Feet.
[Bo’s Cherub Feet Download & More Info]
[Bo’s Straight & Strong Feet Download & More Info] -
Sep. 2017
New Video Series By Dr. Vince Mosca
Now available, Dr. Vince Mosca‘s great series of videos covering the biomechanics of the pediatric foot.
New Video Series By Dr. Kaye Wilkins
The complete new video series about pediatric fractures by Dr. Kaye Wilkins is also now available for all.
Clubfoot: Ponseti Management [Hindi]
Thanks to Rajiv Negandhi for generously translating this popular book into Hindi.
[Download & More Info] -
Jun. 2017
Atlas Of Spinal Orthotics
Thank you to Dr. John R. Fisk, Dr. John E. Lonstein, Dr. Bryan S. Malas, and Exceed Worldwide for allowing us to help distribute this new, free atlas on spinal orthotics.
[Download & More Info] -
May 2017
New Video: ‘The Knee Exam In A Patient With An ACL Tear’ by Dr. Gregory Schmale
Apr. 2017
Spring 2017 Newsletter
You can now check out our Spring newsletter for this year. Please click here or the image for the full thing.
Mar. 2017
Global HELP’s First 15 Years
Quick Summary
Full Version
Global HELP Announces Lana Staheli, Ph.D. As President [Press Release]
Expanding Non-Profit Identifies New Leadership for Next Generation of Service
Seattle, Washington—March 20, 2017—Global HELP (GHO), a non-profit organization that provides free medical/healthcare information to underserved regions around the world, has selected Lana Staheli, Ph.D. as its new President, effective immediately.
‘Global HELP’s goal is to create sustainable improvement in healthcare by helping people help themselves,” said Lana Staheli. ‘I am honored to continue the work of this organization and to lead it into the future.’
Dr. Lana Staheli and her husband Lynn Staheli, M.D. are both founding Board members of GHO. Dr. Lynn Staheli, the founder and former President, will remain with the organization in the role of Medical Director. The executive team, whose time is donated, will expand due to the increasing demand for GHO’s health and medical publications.
The Global HELP Organization (www.global-help.org) was established in 2002 with the goal of providing healthcare information to underserved regions around the globe. GHO is a humanitarian organization that values racial, ethnic, and religious diversity; emphasizes global relevancy; and prioritizes non-commercialism. During the past 14 years, GHO continues to grow and now every year provides millions of new, relevant, free publications throughout the world that can be implemented at the local level with local resources.
‘As the leader of GHO, I am proud and honored to be able to help children and people around the world that need healthcare,’ said Staheli. ‘Our team remains dedicated to this goal.’ -
Feb. 2017
HELP’s Dr. Robert Yancey Receives 2017 Rotary Award
Congratulations to our International Consulting Board Member Dr. Robert Yancey for receiving an honorary award at the February 2017 Rotary Foundation ceremony. They named him a new Paul Harris Fellow, which are recognized for tangible and significant assistance given for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world.
Jan. 2017
Winter 2017 Newsletter
Our latest newsletter is now available. Please click here or the image for the full thing.
Dec. 2016
HELP’s Dr. Lynn Staheli’s Presentation In Russia Now On Video
Now available are four videos featuring Dr. Staheli giving his talk for this year’s Saint-Petersburg meeting. The full description, in Russian: 11 декабря 2015года на базе ФГБУ «НИДОИ им.Г.И. Турнера» Минздрава России состоялся семинар “Нормальное развитие и функциональные нарушения нижних конечностей у детей”. Приглашенный лектор: Доктор Линн Стейли (Lynn Staheli) , основатель и исполнительный директор организации Global HELP, почетный профессор Вашингтонского Университета. Lynn Staheli, MD – один из наиболее выдающихся детских ортопедов современности, автор всемирно известных учебников по детской ортопедии и большого количества публикаций.
Nov. 2016
Fall 2016 Newsletter
Please check out our fresh newsletter by clicking here or the image for the full thing.
Aug. 2016
Summer 2016 Newsletter
Our latest newsletter now out. Click here or the image for the full thing.
Jun. 2016
HELP’s Dr. Vince Mosca Gives Talk In Russia
Vince Mosca, who is on our International Consulting Board, went to a conference at the Turner Institute in Pushkin, Russia and presented an update for foot problems in children. Organized by Vladimir Kenis, who is also on our International Consulting Board, the conference was very well attended, had free admission, and was transmitted throughout the country. Check out all of Vince’s free HELP videos here.
Kobey’s Story
Thanks to Kobey Chew for this sweet and simple story about what it was like to grow up and go to school with a disability.
[Download & More Info] -
May 2016
New Logo
New Primary Surgery Book
From the Chief Editor: “Primary Surgery (Vol. 1: Non-Trauma)” has established itself as the most used and most useful text for the medical practitioner in poor-resource settings who is obliged to manage surgical cases. It is particularly adapted for those whose surgical experience is basic or minimal. Importantly, it has extensive advice about pitfalls to avoid, and what to do if things go wrong. It is written in simple style, particularly for those whose mother tongue is not English. It is not a text which discusses the latest up-to-date technology, but it is not out-of-date being a synthesis of the best advice from a myriad of surgeons practicing for many years in low- and middle-income countries.
[Download & More Info]
Latest Newsletter
We’ve got a fresh newsletter for you. Click here or the image for the full thing.
Feb. 2016
More New Videos From Chile
Thanks to all the contributors from Hospital Clínico de Niños Dr. Roberto del Río for these new HELP videos.
Jan. 2016
Dr. Staheli’s POSICON 2016 Talk
HELP’s own Dr. Lynn Staheli recently made a presentation for this year’s POSI (Paedriatic Orthopaedic Society Of India) conference.
Dec. 2015
Global HELP Goes To Russia
HELP’s founder Dr. Lynn Staheli visited he Turner Institute in Pushkin, Russia recently to give half-a-dozen talks to a 150 medical professionals from 23 cities and teleconferenced throughout the country. With over 500 beds, the clinic is also the largest pediatric orthopaedic hospital in the world. The objective of the conference was to provide information about normal development in children and discourage treatment of conditions that resolve spontaneously with growth. HELP’s Russian titles & translations continue to be used all over Russia. Check them out here.
Nov. 2015
New Videos Catch-Up
Please enjoy our latest batch of videos, covering topics such as open-access education, how to make videos for HELP, a one-minute guide on children’s shoes, and a warning against performing arthroereisis surgery on children.
Sep. 2015
New Anesthesia Book
Thanks to George A. Gregory & Dean B. Andropoulos for the new free 700 page book “Anesthesia Care Of Pediatric Patients In Developing Countries“. The purpose of this book is to provide information for anesthetists in developing countries who must anesthetize children but have limited access to pediatric anesthesia textbooks. All that is needed to access the contents of this book is access to a computer, and the internet. It is the authors’ belief and experience that administration of anesthesia must be given based on physiologic principles, not by a formula that is supposed to fit every patient. Where data are available, it is clear that the mortality of surgical patients is much higher when given based on formula than when it is given based on sound principles of physiology and pharmacology.
[Download & More Info]
New Featured Story
Please also check out a new, rewarding story about how Dr. Kerstin Sobus found HELP materials so useful while working in Haiti. Excerpt: As an experienced pediatric rehab physician, Kerstin Sobus, M.D., knows that there are no quick remedies for children learning to cope with disabilities. Often, success is measured in small steps. “I talk to parents about what’s it going to take to make your kid as independent as possible so they’re ready for kindergarten, then middle school, then high school and so on,” the Indianapolis-based doctor says. “That’s how I look at it. You just have to do what you can do.”
[Full Story] -
Aug. 2015
Global HELP Videos Finding A Large, Worldwide Audience
Global HELP’s video library — which now has grown to more than 80 videos and includes content in English and Spanish — is beginning to find a large, worldwide audience. Recently, the total number of video views passed the 145,000 mark. To check out our full collection, please visit our YouTube Channel to watch and subscribe.
Jun. 2015
Thanks again to Sumesh Khanal & Bhaskar Raj Pant for a new Nepali translation of our “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” poster.
May 2015
Thanks to Sumesh Khanal & Bhaskar Raj Pant for a new Nepali translation of our “Clubfoot Guide For Parents“.
Apr. 2015
We are happy to publish 40 new videos in both Spanish and English made at The Hospital Clínico de Niños Dr. Roberto del Río covering the basics of pediatric orthopaedics in sometimes low-resource environments. Thanks to Dr. Dalia Sepúlveda and the rest of her team for such a helpful collection.
Also thanks to Alaa Azmi Ahmad for a new Arabic translation of our “Basics Of Wound Care” and “Sequelae Of Septic Arthritis Of The Hip“. -
Feb. 2015
Thanks to Dr. Th. E. Sudrajat Wahyu Nugroho for a new Indonesian translation of our “Basics Of Wound Care“, and Robertus Arian Datusanantyo for a new Indonesian translation of our “HELP Guide To Burn Contractures In Developing Countries“. Also thanks to Dr. Tran Van Tan and his team from Ho Chi Minh City, Dr. Thanh Van Do from the Danang Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation Hospital, & the ICRC Special Fund For The Disabled for an updated Vietnamese translation of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management“.
Jan. 2015
Sudjati Adhinugroho was generous to add a new Indonesian translation of our article “The Neglected Clubfoot“.
Dec. 2014
Thanks to Dr. Vince Mosca for his new five-part video series “Assessing Foot Flexibility“, and Dr. Douglas Hanel for his own new five-part video series the “Upper Limb Exam“.
Nov. 2014
Along with the new Pediatric Orthopaedic Video Academy sister web-site, HELP, POA, and COTI have published a twenty-one part video series dedicated entirely to growth plate (August 28th-30th, Santiago, Chile).
Oct. 2014
Inspired by our new collection of video medical lessons, HELP has a sister web-site, the Pediatric Orthopaedic Video Academy (POA). While still in its early iteration, it’s a useful and extensive, alternate way to view HELP content, so feel free to try it out.
Jul. 2014
HELP has a new venture, a collection of medical education videos. For our first batch of lessons, please check out the full listings here.
May 2014
More thanks to Lin Feng for translating a third title for HELP, “Remodelling Of Fractures In Children” poster into Chinese.
Apr. 2014
Thanks again to Lin Feng for translating another title, this time “What Parents Should Know About Flatfeet, Intoeing, Bent Legs, And Shoes For Children” into Chinese.
Mar. 2014
Thanks to Lin Feng for translating “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management [Poster]” into Chinese.
Feb. 2014
Thanks to Janka Tothova for translating “What Parents Should Know About Flatfeet, Intoeing, Bent Legs, And Shoes For Children” into Czech.
Jan. 2014
Congratulations on Kim DeLeon for completing and submitting “Bo’s Straight & Strong Feet“, a sequel to her “Bo’s Cherub Feet” book.
Dec. 2013
Many thanks to Klane White, MD for contributing his first video, “Femoroacetabular Impingement (The Basics)“, which covers the general aspects of the condition with several hands-on images and illustrations.
Nov. 2013
Brand new videos now available: “What Parents Should Know About Flatfeet, Intoeing, Bent Legs, & Shoes For Children” by HELP founder Lynn Staheli, MD, “How Your Donations Change The World” by founding HELP Board member Paul Merriman, and both “Sleep Is Essential For Children’s & Teenagers’ Sports” and “Children, Teenagers, & Cyber Bullying” by Cora Breuner, MD.
Oct. 2013
More videos have been added to HELP’s growing library: “The Quick Rotational Profile Exam” by Tom Jinguji, MD, and “Ilium & Proximal Femur Aspirations Help With Culturing An Organism In Hip Septic Arthritis“, and “Lack Of Benefit Of Physiotherapy On Function Following Supracondylar Humerus Fracture” by Gregory A. Schmale, MD, and “A Decade Of Progress For Global HELP” and “Guidelines For Making HELP Videos On Pediatric Orthopaedics” by Lynn Staheli, MD.
Sep. 2013
Full individual listings for the Flip-Charts are coming soon, but in the meantime, please feel free to visit the Flip-Chart index to download any of the free PDFs. Also, many thanks to Anastasios Kanellopoulos, Milly Konstantinidou, & Christina Nila for a new Greek translation of our “What Parents Should Know About Flatfeet, Intoeing, Bent Legs, And Shoes For Children” booklet as well as to Francisco Flores for a new Portuguese translation of “Bo’s Cherub Feet“.
Jul. 2013
As HELP continues to grow our new web-site and Videos section, Mariusz Chomicki offers a new Polish translation of Irish Lohan‘s “Treatment Of Congenital Clubfoot Using The Ponseti Method: Workshop Manual“, and Drs. Mario F. Sequeira Somoza & Mario F. Sequeira Valadez have finished a new Spanish translation of “Steenbeek Brace For Clubfoot“
Sep. 2012
Another welcome translation, this time a new Thai version of the “What Parents Should Know About Flatfeet, Intoeing, Bent Legs, And Shoes For Children” poster thanks to Panya Surijamorn.
Aug. 2012
As HELP gears up for another anniversary, we’ve now added a new option for ordering our DVD-Rom Libraries and books. Powered by Google Wallet, anyone from around the world can use HELP’s new Store section or order straight from the main page. Please feel free to let us know of any problems or questions.
Plus, Olayinka Adegbehingbe has been kind and industrious enough to produce three different translations of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” for Nigeria: Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba.
On top of that, Florence & Renilda Tijones have completed a new Tagalog translation of “Clubfoot Guide For Parents”. As Tagalog is a language used by the vast majority of the people in the Philippines, this is a welcome and significant addition to the HELP library.
Feb. 2012
Thanks to Vladimir Kenis for translating Iris Lohan’s increasingly popular “Treatment Of Congenital Clubfoot Using The Ponseti Method: Workshop Manual” into Russian.
Nov. 2011
With kindness and industriousness, mother & author Kim DeLeon has completed “Bo’s Cherub Feet”, a new book to help whole families prepare for the Ponseti method that will correct a child’s feet to make them straight and strong after regression.
Nov. 2011
Dr. Job Timeny has been generous enough to contribute a new Creole translation of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management”, the first HELP publication to get translated into the language.
Thanks also to both Sergio Monforte and Centro Ortopedico Essedi for completing a thorough Italian translation of Iris Lohan’s “Treatment Of Congenital Clubfoot Using The Ponseti Method: Workshop Manual”.
Oct. 2011
The translations continue to appear, this time with a new, sharp Arabic translation of “What Parents Should Know About Flatfeet, Intoeing, Bent Legs, And Shoes For Children” thanks to Firas Suleiman.
We’re also happy to announce the re-publication of Arnold K. Henry’s “Extensile Exposure”. The text is a surgical classic and many readers will be pleased to have the opportunity of adding this famous work to their libraries. Many thanks to Digital Media Group again for making the scan possible.
On top of that, a lot of thanks to Shirin Zamani Alavijeh and Ali Khosroabadi for a much-needed and thorough Persian translation of the latest 3rd Edition of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management”.
Sep. 2011
Many thanks to Panya Surijamorn for a new 3rd Edition Thai translation of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management”, filling a much-needed gap in HELP’s available languages.
Also much thanks to Emal Wardak for completing the new 3rd Edition Dari translation of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management”, one of the more difficult languages to digitally convert for the public.
Aug. 2011
Two new Russian translations are in the works. The first of which, “What Parents Should Know About Flatfeet, Intoeing, Bent Legs, And Shoes For Children”, is now available to the public. Thanks to Vladimir Kenis for the effortless work.
Jul. 2011
Iris Lohan has returned with an update to her Chinese version of her “Treatment Of Congenital Clubfoot Using The Ponseti Method: Workshop Manual”, admirably following through with her promise.
June 2011
HELP is happy to welcome Shafique Pirani, a long-time contributor to the organization, as the newest member to our International Board.
We’re also glad to put up an official listing for Dr. Lynn Staheli’s “International Pediatric Orthopaedic Pocketbook [IPOP]”, an extremely portable and useful pocket-sized version of Dr. Staheli’s long-running “The Practice of Pediatric Orthopaedics” that can be special-ordered by contacting us directly.
May 2011
Iris Lohan has been industrious and kind enough to update the English version of her “Treatment Of Congenital Clubfoot Using The Ponseti Method: Workshop Manual” to a new 2nd Edition, with a new Chinese edition to follow. This manual remains a solid and practical guide for practitioners of the Ponseti technique to treat clubfoot. Extensive photographs and drawings help to get hand-positions for manipulation/casting right.
Apr. 2011
Many thanks to Nadine Semer for allowing HELP to re-publish her “Practical Plastic Surgery For Nonsurgeons” book. The text is useful to healthcare providers with limited access to specialists — especially those who serve in rural and non-industrial settings — as well as medical students, nurse practitioner students, and residents in a wide variety of specialties.
Mar. 2011
We’re glad to be able to publish a large amount of chapters from the 2nd Volume of our “Paediatric Surgery: A Comprehensive Text For Africa” project. New additions begin at Chapter 88 and we hope to finalize the rest in the coming weeks.
Thanks to all of the contributors, we’re also glad to publish four new TIPS: “Cost Saving Tips” by Hugh Watts, “Management Of Pediatric Femur Fractures With A Single Semi-Rigid Retrograde Nail” by Robert Yancey, “Proximal Femoral Osteotomy Fixation (Inexpensive Fixation Alternative)” by our own Lynn Staheli, and “Spica & Spina Casting With Inexpensive Metal Bar” by Richard Schwend.
Dec. 2010
Taking care of an overdue need for a new Spanish translation of the 3rd Edition of the “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” book, Alison Schroer, Lauren White, & James Ryan Vita from the University Of Virginia deserve thanks for all their work.
Nataliia Moskalenko, meanwhile, continues her generous spree of Russian translations with new ones for the “Chronic Osteomyelitis In Children”, “The Neglected Clubfoot”, and “War Injuries, Trauma, And Disaster Relief” articles.
HELP is also glad to help distribute the Vietnamese translation of “Surgical Care At The District Hospital”, the manual by the World Health Organization (WHO) that has been developed as a practical resource for individual practitioners and for use in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, in-service training, and continuing medical education programmes. Thanks to Meena Nathan Cherian, Quyen D. Chu, Trina Chu, Hung S. Ho, and David Spiegel for making it happen.
Global HELP Health Publications Selected By WHO For Blue Trunk Library [Press-Release]
World Health Organization to distribute Global HELP’s “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” publication to medical professionals in African district health centers
Seattle, WA – December 16, 2010 – Global HELP, an organization that makes health treatment information accessible to medical professionals in developing countries, announced that its materials will be included in the WHO (World Health Organization) Blue Trunk Library. The Library has been developed and is installed by WHO in district health centers in Africa to help fill the void that exists for up-to-date medical and health information.
“We are very pleased to contribute to the knowledge resources contained in the WHO Blue Trunk Library,” said Dr. Lynn Staheli, founder of Global HELP. “There are millions of people in the world that need healthcare and a lack of knowledge resources contributes greatly to this issue.”
The Global HELP booklet selected for the Blue Trunk Library focuses on Ponseti Clubfoot Management. This treatment makes it possible to correct clubfoot deformity without surgery. If a child receives treatment soon after birth, the condition can often be corrected in less than six weeks, but older children can also able be treated and the condition reversed.
Global HELP provides medical professionals with vital up-to-date health information via free and low-cost print publications, CDs, and the Web. Since the founding of Global HELP, the organization has provided 60 free publications—some of which have been translated into 15 languages—and new publications continue to be added to its growing library of resources. More than 250,000 PDF publications have been downloaded from the Global HELP website by individuals in more than 150 countries. In addition, 20,000 printed publications have been distributed in more than 60 countries.
“The ability to provide materials for the WHO Blue Trunk Library creates a valuable channel for us to get these vital resources into the hands of those who need them most,” said Staheli.
Nov. 2010
Now online and produced by HELP, a number of professional editors, and over one-hundred-and-fifty of reputable contributors around the world, the new “Paediatric Surgery: A Comprehensive Text For Africa” is an essential accessory for those working in Africa where there has been a lack of appropriate and affordable medical material for surgeons and patients alike. Please note: this is currently a work in progress and additional chapters will be added as soon as they’re approved while a print version will be made when the book is finalized. Emmanuel Ameh, Stephen Bickler, Kokila Lakhoo, Benedict Nwomeh, Dan Poenaru, & over a hundred different contributors deserve many thanks for such a large and incredibly helpful undertaking.
Oct. 2010
Thanks to Drs. Christina C. Neila, Anastasios Kanellopoulos, & Milly Konstadinidou for translating the “Clubfoot Guide For Parents” into Greek.
In addition, Vince Mosca has completed an updated 2nd edition of the “Clubfoot Guide For Parents”.
Not to be outdone, Nataliia Moskalenko returns with a new Russian translation of the “Nonoperative Management Of Pediatric Upper Extremity Fractures Or ‘Don’t Throw Away The Cast’ [Article]”, while Christina C. Neila, Anastasios Kanellopoulos, & Mily Konstadinidou have followed up their work with a Greek translation of both the 3rd edition of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” and the “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management [Poster]”.
Sep. 2010
Three significant updates at once in time for this year’s AACPDM conference. First is the brand new, updated 2nd Edition of Nadire Berker & Selim Yalcin’s “The HELP Guide To Cerebral Palsy”. Then a brand new book by Charlene Butler entitled “Effective Mobility For Children With Motor Disabilities”. And last but not least, another new publication, this one written in Cambodian by Jane Wu entitled “Cerebral Palsy: Guide For Parents & Carers”.
Also, thanks to Rashad Zeynalov for surprising us with a new Azeri translation of the popular 3rd Edition of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management”. It’s a generous addition and completely unsolicited.
On top of that, thanks also to Natsuo Yasui, Hirohiko Yasui, & Yukihiko Yasui for polishing off a brand new Japanese translation of the same “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management”, which makes the second time they’ve donated their time and effort with this.
Jul. 2010
Nataliia Moskalenko has come to us with a pre-made Russian translation of “Basics Of Wound Care”, which we’re more than happy to add to the HELP catalog. Thanks to Nataliia for the unexpected work.
Jun. 2010
Thanks to Bill Schneider, previously of Interplast and now of the Volunteers in Plastic Surgery (VIPS) Committee of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, HELP is pleased to republish two books on plastic surgery, “Clinical Applications For Muscle And Musculocutaneous Flaps” and “Clinical Atlas Of Muscle And Musculocutaneous Flaps”.
In addition, we are glad to re-publish Nigel S. Broughton’s “A Textbook Of Pediatric Orthopaedics”, a book for orthopaedic surgeons in training to a depth required for Fellowship or Board examinations, featuring contributors from the Orthopaedic Department at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia.
May 2010
Two books back-to-back. The first is an update of “Deformidades Angulares De Las Extremidades Inferiores En La Edad Infantil Y Adolescencia” by Julio De Pablos, while the other is a new title called “Fracturas Infantiles: Conceptos Y Principios” by Julio De Pablos & Pedro González Herranz, which uses an easy-to-understand Spanish-language style to teach the understanding of children’s fractures. Many thanks to Dr. Pablos for shepherding these titles for HELP.
Another double-release, this time with both Arabic and Hebrew translations of “Preparation For Orthopaedic Surgery”. Based off of Lynn Staheli’s “Fundamentals Of Pediatric Orthopaedics” and shepherded by Viktor Bialik, Chiporah Tamdor, and the staff at the Rambam Medical Center, these are charming, children/family-friendly coloring books to help with patients’ understanding of the experience of orthopaedic surgery.
Feb. 2010
A couple more translations, this time a new Indonesian one of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” from Dr. Anung Budi Satriadi and a Hebrew one from Mark Eidelman and Yaniv Keren.
Plus, Kelly Ledbetter, HELP’s first scholarship candidate, has completed her work on “The HELP Guide To Burn Contractures In Developing Countries”.
Jan. 2010
Still more translations. Thanks to Marcela ZiÅ¡ková and Monika Frydrychová for their new Czech translation of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management”, and C. Cheriyan Kovoor, Annie John, & Maya Cheriyan for their Malayalam translation of the “Clubfoot Guide For Parents” booklet.
In addition, John Lawrence, Hugh G. Watts, & Joanna G. Patton have completed “Krukenberg’s Operation In A Child”, a manual on a procedure particularly helpful for developing countries that provides excellent pinch and grasp in children with absence of one or both hands.
Dec. 2009
New translations continue to roll in. This time, courtesy of the generous work by Viktor Bialik & Milan Kokavec, a Slovak translation of the new 3rd Edition of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management”.
Nov. 2009
Thanks to the kind translation work of Tae-Joon Cho, the Korean version of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” is now available, bringing us closer to updating all of the languages to the book’s 3rd Edition.
Oct. 2009
Both a new Dutch translation of the 2nd Edition of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” and a Tamil translation of “Clubfoot Guide For Parents” are now available. Thanks to Richard Teters and AbdulSalam ShahulHameed for the help, respectively.
An improved thank you survey has also been upgraded and streamlined, which can be accessed throughout the web-site or directly here.
Aug. 2009
Thanks to Gaetano Pagnotta for already completing an Italian translation of the new 3rd Edition of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management”.
Jul. 2009
Quick and accurate as ever, Franck Launay has wrapped up the first translation of the new 3rd Edition of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management”, making it available to everyone in French.
Michiel Steenbeek has also fully updated his “Steenbeek Brace For Clubfoot” book to a 2nd Edition, translated it into French, and also created a collection of Type II Brace Patterns for a companion publication. Three new publications at once. HELP appreciates all of Michiel’s work with these titles and the speed and willingness in which he helped finalize them for the public.
Jun. 2009
Thanks to the work of Marc Sinclair and his colleagues, HELP now has a complete German translation of the 2nd Edition of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management”, with a 3rd Edition translation already underway.
Apr. 2009
HELP’s glad to republish the “Hlabisa Hospital Handbook”. This book, while written specifically for those staffed at the Hlabisa Hospital, is a straightforward and essential tool for all levels of medical professionals who work in rural South Africa.
Thanks to Therese Hansen and Africa Health Placements, a not-for-profit project placing doctors in rural hospitals in Sub-Saharan Africa, for making the redistribution of this book possible.
As promised, Iris Lohan has completed the Chinese version of her “Treatment Of Congenital Clubfoot Using The Ponseti Method: Workshop Manual”. HELP is once again thankful for all her work.
Mar. 2009
Global HELP Celebration Event 2009
March 21st, 2009
University Of Washington Club [Seattle]
With another year taken care of, Global HELP has added more titles, more translations, new CD Libraries, a new collaboration with the Bounce organization, and our best web-site to date.
This time, because of such a large number of these new developments, we decided to go with a more open-house approach, showcasing projects at different stations located throughout the venue, all leading up to a feature presentation by guest-speaker Dr. Hugh Watts, M.D.
Hugh Watts is a Clinical Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery as well as an Adjunct Associate Professor of Biokinesiology at UCLA and a long-standing, International Board Member of HELP. His talk covered the relationship between world-wide population numbers, the legacy of war, and the lack of widely distributed, up-to-date medical information.
Thanks again to everyone who was able to make it and help out, particularly in these economic times. It was a different change of pace this year, but it appeared to work and go over well, and we hope to do it again soon.
Also this month, on top of that, Iris Lohan has been generous enough to publish through HELP “Treatment Of Congenital Clubfoot Using The Ponseti Method: Workshop Manual” in English, with a Chinese version to follow.
Feb. 2009
HELP’s most popular publication, “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management”, has now been updated to a completely new 3rd Edition in English. Thank you to everyone involved with the production of this new edition, especially those, like Dr. Jose Morcuende at Ponseti International, who edited and proof-read the book for up-to-date medical accuracy.
Translations of this new 3rd Edition are also underway. Please let us know if you would like to help.
Jan. 2009
Thanks again to Dra. Dalia Sepúlveda A., Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon & Medical Editor, for helping to republish Julio De Pablos’s Spanish-language teaching of the understanding and treatment planning of angular deformities, “Deformidades Angulares de las EEII en la Edad Infantil y Adolescencia”.
Nov. 2008
HELP founding Board member Dr. Lana Staheli has granted redistribution rights to her book, “Bounce: Be Transformed”.
Many thanks also to Dra. Dalia Sepúlveda A., Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon & Medical Editor, for helping to get the republishing rights to Alfredo Raimann Neumann’s complete Spanish-language summary of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH), “Enfermedad Luxante De Cadera”.
Oct. 2008
Along with the redesigned web-site, two new publications, the “Global HELP CD Library” and “Pediatric Orthopaedic CD Library”have been completed and are now available.
With over 40 publications collected from our web-site, the first edition of the “Global HELP CD Library” contains the complete versions of all available HELP titles originally produced or reprinted for the public to date. It’s a slim, lightweight, and easy way to own and distribute a large number of medical texts — all without the need of an internet connection.
Meanwhile, the “Pediatric Orthopaedic CD Library” contains 26 pediatric orthopaedic-focused publications published by HELP, five of which are reprinted from their original Lippincott Williams & Wilkins publications. This compilation — worth over $1,000 in their original texts — range from children’s fractures to septic arthritis, compiled in a convenient and affordable CD-ROM.
We are excited to bring you these CD Libraries, and as HELP’s collection continues to grow, later editions will, of course, even include all of the updates released after the original printings.
Thank you to both Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and the Seattle Children’s Hospital for their support with these projects.
Aug. 2008
“Ponseti Clubfoot Management: Teaching Manual For Healthcare Providers In Uganda”, has been finished and made available for the public by Shafique Pirani, Lynn Staheli, Edward Naddumba, and a host of other contributors.
Thanks to the Uganda Sustainable Clubfoot Care Project, the Uganda Ministry Of Health, and, of course, Ignacio Ponseti, for their support of this project.
With the help of, respectively, Dr. Said Saghieh and Dr. Udi Lebel, we are also glad to publish a new Arabic translation of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” and a Hebrew translation of “What Parents Should Know About Flatfeet, Intoeing, Bent Legs, And Shoes For Children”
Jun. 2008
An Evening With Robert Yancey
June 17th, 2008 Global HELP Office [Seattle]Robert Yancey gave a presentation in Seattle on “Bhutan, Democracy, And Medicine In Transition”. Over the last twenty years, Dr. Yancey, a Pediatric & Adult Orthopaedic Surgeon who practices in Gig Harbor, Washington, has worked with Orthopaedics Overseas as an orthopaedic instructor in Bhutan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Pakistan, and Nepal. In June, Dr. Yancey received the Distinguished Service Award from Pierce County Healthcare Champions.
Much thanks to those who made it. HELP is glad to continue to see the success of these events.
May 2008
We are pleased to present four new additions to the Global HELP library.
Written by the medical staff of the Seattle Arthrogryposis Clinic and reprinted with permission by Cambridge University Press, “Arthrogryposis: A Text Atlas” is now available.
A simple guide for children’s Orthopaedics by the Easter Seal Society, “The Easter Seal Guide To Children’s Orthopaedics” is now online.
Dr. Leon Root, co-author of the classic best-seller, Oh, My Aching Back, has also granted permission to reprint “No More Aching Back”, which presents comprehensive information on the diagnosis and treatment of back problems.
Drs. J.J. Cuevas Torres & J.A. Santos Miranda, along with over 40 medical professionals from three different countries, have also been generous enough to allow us to reprint, in the original Spanish, “OncologÃa Básica”, their extensive and well-illustrated book on basic Oncology.
Apr. 2008
An Evening With David Spiegel
April 17th, 2008 Global HELP Office [Seattle]Professor of orthopaedic surgery at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, a member of the World Health Organization’s Essential Surgical Care Project, and Global HELP contributing author, Dr. David Spiegel, M.D. gave a presentation in Seattle on “Surgery & Global Health,” particularly a public health approach to surgery in low and middle income countries.
Thanks again to all of those who could attend the event, which turned out to be friendly, informative, and a pleasant evening all around.
Global HELP Celebration Dinner
April 5th, 2008
University Of Washington Club [Seattle]
The last year marked a year of transition for HELP, with an expansion of the executive board, new staff, a re-launched web-site, and exciting new directions in low-cost publications.
To share these events, we invited the public to join us in celebrating our achievements for an evening at the University Of Washington Club and to hear from our distinguished guest speaker Dr. Shafique Pirani.
Featured Speaker, Dr. Shafique Pirani, M.D., was recently awarded a million-dollar grant through the Canadian Government for the development of a sustainable Clubfoot Treatment Program in Uganda. He has also just completed a specialized “Clubfoot Guide For Uganda” through a collaboration with HELP. Dr. Pirani, a native Ugandan of Indian origin, is an established Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon and Professor from the University Of British Colombia.
Thank you to everyone who was able to make it and help out. It was a pleasure, everything went off swimmingly, and we hope to do it again soon.
Global HELP CD Library
We are also pleased to announce the completion of the first Global HELP CD-Rom Library.
This CD Library contains all of the publications available here on the web-site, which is particularly useful for areas without reliable internet access. These CDs will be available for sale to the public soon.
Updated Chinese Translation
Thanks to Iris Lohan, the Chinese translation of the new, updated 2nd Edition of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” has been finalized and posted on the web-site, replacing the old translation.
Mar. 2008
Thanks to Jolanta Kavale and Maxim Vavilov, HELP is glad to offer a new, up-to-date Russian translation of the “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” book.
Dec. 2007
Two news sections have been opened up.
A collection of comments from our readers, from professionals to parents, which will be updated regularly for the foreseeable future.Help Needed
A central location for all of the different ways you can support Global HELP, including authoring, volunteering, scholarships, and donations. -
Nov. 2007
A new Ukrainian translation of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” is now available thanks to the terrific help of Jolanta Kavale.
Oct. 2007
With large, appropriate thanks to Dhiren Ganjwala, we are happy to now offer a Hindi translation of “Clubfoot Guide For Parents”.
Sep. 2007
To help better track the online distribution of HELP’s free publications, we have added a download registration form before the access to each the PDFs. The intention is to be light and simple, but as always, please let us know of any problems.
Aug. 2007
Professor Marek Napiontek has been generous enough to help with the Polish translation of the “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” publication, which is now online.
Jul. 2007
Thanks to Jennifer Smith, Bradie Kvinsland, and CP & Publishing, Global HELP has republished both “Life’s Toughest Moments: A Parent’s Guide When Facing End Of Life Decisions With Their Child” and “One Step At A Time: A Guide For Parents Navigating The Hospital Experience With Their Child”.
Jun. 2007
Originally published by Hospital de Pediatria Garrahan in Buenos Aires, Argentina & Fundacion Hospital de Pediatria Garrahan, Global HELP has reprinted “¿Como Lo Hago En Ortopedia Y Traumatologia Pediatrica?” Thank you to Horacio Miscione, the original editor, for helping to see it through.
May 2007
David Spiegel, M.D., John Norgrove Penny, M.D., Ashok Banskota, M.D., and Om P. Shrestha, M.D., along with the help from the Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled Children in Banepa, Nepal, have completed and published “Sequelae Of Septic Arthritis Of The Hip”.With the support of the Alfred I. duPont Hospital For Children, Global HELP has released a poster for “Skeletal Dysplasia” by William G. Mackenzie, M.D., Charles I. Scott, Jr., M.D., and Linda Nicholson, M.S., M.C.
A new Plastic Surgery category has also been added.
Apr. 2007
Global HELP has published a Vietnamese translation of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management”. Thank you to the International Committee Of The Red Cross Special Fund For The Disabled for doing so much work in managing the production of this translated edition.
With thanks to Interplast, Global HELP has also re-published two new volumes.
“McCraw & Arnold’s Atlas Of Muscle And Musculocutaneous Flaps”
(McCraw & Arnold)
“Abdominal Pedicle Flaps To The Hand & Forearm”
Feb. 2007
Web-site is redesigned, to work and link to the new Global HELP Bookstore.
Nov. 2006
Newsletter is mailed out, while a shift in the organization is made.
Global HELP’s new Board Chairman, Sam Pederson, is a professional in organizational development and brings management skills during this exciting period of organizational expansion. Susan Elliott, a founding board member, with experience from United Way of King County and Lake Washington College Foundation, has also joined HELP as Director of Fund Development. As an advocate for philanthropy, Susan is dedicated to expanding HELP’s donors and project sponsors.
Aug. 2006
The Japanese translation of the third edition of the “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” publication is complete. Many thanks to Dr. Natsuo Yasui, Hirohiko Yasui, and Yukihiko Yasui for seeing it through.
Also, along with updated author and translator biographies, six new publications have been added to Global HELP’s collection — republished articles from the “Techniques In Orthopaedics” medical journal.
“Chronic Osteomyelitis In Children”
(Spiegel & Penny)
“Nonoperative Management of Pediatric Upper Extremity Fractures or ‘Don’t Throw Away the Cast'”
“Orthopaedic Techniques In The Management Of The Residua Of Paralytic Poliomyelitis”
“The Neglected Clubfoot”
“Tuberculosis Of The Musculoskeletal System”
(Spiegel, Singh, & Banskota)
“War Injuries, Trauma, And Disaster Relief”
Jul. 2006
Web-site has been redesigned and relaunched. Please let us know of any problems. Final touches to come.
Global HELP has republished Marian Loveday’s “The HELP Guide For Community Based Rehabilitation Workers: A South African Training Manual”. Special thanks to Dr. Charlene Butler for helping to spearhead the project.
Jun. 2006
The French version of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” is published, with translation by Dr. Franck Launay.
May 2006
Global HELP’s new web-site design is open for public testing. While it is an incomplete build, missing some graphics and final navigation, please send any comments, suggestions, problems, or any other feedback to questions@global-help.org to help us improve the new site before it goes live. -
Apr. 2006
With new additions and new volunteers, Global HELP has spent the first quarter of 2006 making itself more thorough, international, and efficient. Web-site has also been overhauled behind-the-scenes during this time, featuring better navigation, room for expansion, and a foundation for an online payment system, and will be made available for public testing soon.
Dec. 2005
The Italian version of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” is published, with translation by Dr. Gaetano Pagnotta.
Apr. 2005
“The HELP Guide To Cerebral Palsy” released. This 140 pages, 8.5″x11″ four-color, English-language book is available in PDF format. The book was created by Drs. Nadire Berker & Selim Yalcin.
Mar. 2005
The second edition of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” is printed in English.
HELP meeting held in Washington, D.C. Presentation made by new authors. Linda Staheli organized meetings to expand HELP contacts.
Jan. 2005
Floret Khosa-Richardson joins HELP as the Translations Manager for the “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” book.
New projects announced: comprehensive book on Cerebral Palsy by Nadire Berker & Selim Yalcin, and Back Pain by Dr. Stan Bigos.
May 2004
The Turkish translation of “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” and the Global HELP CD is released. “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” translated into Chinese and made available for course on correcting Clubfoot.“Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” was made available in an announcement to Turkish physicians and, within hours, dozens of requests where placed for hundreds of copies of the book and CD. “The interest is amazing,” says Dr. Selim Yalcin, HELP International Board Member and translator of the Ponseti book. “People are saying wonderful things about the project. Many have already made plans to start Ponseti treatment in their clinics. We are so happy and excited about the impact of our work.”
Mar. – Apr. 2004
Three new projects announced. Dr. Hugh Watts’ “Polio & Tuberculosis,” Dr. Lana Staheli’s series on a healthy marriage, and Nadine B. Semer’s “Basics Of Wound Care.” -
Feb. 2004
“Bibliography Of Orthopaedic Problems In Developing Countries” by David Speigel published. Printing costs donated by his parents, Irving & Judith Spiegel.
HELP trains authors in the first Author’s Workshop conducted in Seattle. This three-day workshop prepared authors to produce publications using desktop computer technology.
Jan. 2004
Turkish books on Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy, and Hip Ultrasonography are added to Global HELP’s publications.
Jan. 2004
“Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” printed. Three-thousand copies created in the first run.
Jan. – Jun. 2003
Global HELP infrastructure, including non-profit organizational status 501(c)(3), established. First project, “Clubfoot: Ponseti Management” initiated.