Our Values

We are
- nonpolitical and humanitarian
We value
- racial, cultural, and religious diversity
We emphasize
- children’s health
- affordability
- relevancy
- effectiveness
- sustainability
- non-commercialism
Global HELP creates, distributes, and compiles free, relevant, non-commercial healthcare information that prioritizes affordable and effective healthcare solutions and promotes sustainability. The organization’s long-term goal is to create sustainable improvement in healthcare throughout the world by helping people help themselves.

Why focus on children’s health?
- Treating children has a long-term effect
- Helping children reduces the burden of care
- Childhood problems are often a low priority
- Children comprise a large percentage of the population in underserved regions
Our User Groups
To better understand the needs of our users, we have developed the following classification system with an estimate of the number of users included in each group:
- 1.) Those with no healthcare (about 1 billion)
- 2.) Those with only untrained providers such as shamans, bone setters, etc. (2 billion)
- 3.) Those with trained providers, but no doctors (2 billion)
- 4.) Those with trained providers and doctors, but with limited resources (1-2 billion)
- 5.) Those with access to medical systems with abundant resources (1-2 billion)
We also aim to provide information that is useful to patients and families around the world.
The mission of Global HELP focuses Groups 1-4, as this group encompasses the vast majority of the world’s population. Because most publications are created by and for Group 5 countries, and are often not relevant or suitable for worldwide use, we aim to close this knowledge gap by providing the information needed to help people help themselves.
Our publications are free and may be copied for non-commercial purposes. We only ask that GHO be credited.
Our Vision For The Future
Our Goals:
- Expanding our resources to include other pediatric specialites
- Providing a comprehensive structure to our website that accepts new publications
- Expanding our focus on video education
- Creating streamlined apps to facilitate use on mobile phones and tablets
- Developing a collaborative leadership model for the organization
- Focusing on creating sustainability
- Facilitating translations of our videos and PDFs
- Continuing to provide healthcare information suitable for worldwide use