A History Of Medicine

Sutcliffe J, Duin N, et al..
Book. 2016. GHO Publications. 258 Pages.
A vivid, highly readable account of how we know what we know about medicine and the body. Packed with stores of the men and women of medicine -- and their patients-- over the centuries. Lavishly illustrated with more than 300 pictures, the majority in full color. Unique final section gives leading doctors' views of how medicine may develop in the next 30 years.
Chapter One: The Earliest Medicine
Chapter Two: The Renaissance and the Enlightenment
Chapter Three: The Nineteenth Century
Chapter Four: Medicine Before World War II
Chapter Five: The World at War
Chapter Six: Medicine Since World War II – Perinatal Advances
Chapter Seven: Medicine Since World War II – Advances in Science and Technology
Chapter Eight: Medicine Since World War II – Breakdowns and Breakthroughs
Chapter Nine: Ancient and Modern Approaches
Chapter Ten: Into the Future