Extensile Exposure

Henry A.
Book. 2011. Global Help Publications. 330 Pages.
Originally published by E & S Livingstone, 1970.
From the Back Cover: This book is a surgical classic -- it is famous for what a reviewer described as its “use of the English language and its literature to present cold fact with such warmth and life”. It has been unavailable for some time, but is now available as a facsimile of the second edition with the addition of a short bibliographical note by Arnold K. Henry himself.
An exposure is the route by which the surgeon gains access to the structures on which he or she wishes to operate, and the exposures can be extended if necessary (hence the term “extensile exposures”). Many of the exposures described in this book are still in use, but it will mainly be obtained for the literary pleasure of reading.
As it has been out of print for some time, many surgeons will be pleased
to have the opportunity of adding this famous work to their libraries. The
Lancet: “There is no pleasanter way of revising anatomy”. British Medical
Journal: “The distinguished author is to be congratulated on this further
development of a masterpiece”.
Section 01: The Upper Limb & Neck
[11 MB]
Section 02: Access At The Second Left Costal Arch
[4 MB]
Section 03: The Hypogastric Route
[2 MB]
Section 04: The Lower Limb
[12 MB]