Fractures In Children

Blount W.
Book. 2008. GHO Publications. 280 Pages.
Originally published by The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1995.
Covers injuries and fractures to the head/skull, the shoulder girdle, the upper extremity, the lower extremity, the spine, the face, compound fractures, and pathologic fractures.
From the Preface: This book is a composite of the members of the Fracture Service of the Milwaukee Children's Hospital over a period of more than twenty years.
Its delayed appearance has worked a tremendous advantage to all concerned. Our mature experience with end results has enabled us to formulate rules and enumerate principles of treatment.
The discussions following numerous lectures in various parts of the country have promoted clear thinking and simplified the statement of these principles. The surgeons in attendance at these lectures and the Instructional Courses have submitted invaluable material.
Many thanks are due to all who have increased the scope of this book, and who have aided in condemning unnecessary and ill-advised operations on children.