Great Medical Disasters

Gordon R.
Book. 2016. GHO Publications. 218 Pages.
Originally published by Dorset Press, 1986.
From the Introduction:
Thousands of books have been published on the triumphs of medicine.
This is the other one.
Medicine has its Tampa Bay Bridge, Titanic, Great Fire of London, and San Francisco Earthquake.
Even its equivalents of pussycats up trees, burst watermains and thunderstorms are major disasters if they happen to you.
Mankind suffered cruelly for centuries from lack of medical knowledge. The brilliant scientific discoveries of this century eradicated the evil so efficiently it now suffers as painfully from too much.
Doctors can be fired by ideals—as fanatically as the Spanish Inquisition. They can follow more false trails than Inspector Clouseau. They can become so fond of dead doctrines, they resemble a procession of ostriches with their heads in the sand.
The medical art is revealed by its disasters, as the military one is by its defeats.
This catalogue of disasters will make you feel great to be alive.