HELP Guide For Community Based Rehabilitation Workers: A Training Manual

Loveday M.. Guide. 2006. GHO Publications. 248 Pages.
Originally published by SACLA Health Project, 1990.


A training manual for South Africa that grew out of Marian Loveday's work as the only physiotherapist working in a community of about 300,000 people.

Given the overwhelming needs in this community, she determined her task to be passing on basic rehabilitation skills to people of the community. She defined the community she was working with as the community of disabled people, which included disabled adults and the mothers of disabled children.

In each area in which she planned to work, a meeting was held with this community of disabled people. They chose from amongst themselves a person who would receive training and then work as a rehabilitation worker in that area. During her last years of work with the project, she completed a Masters degree in Maternal & Child Health, and for her thesis she completed a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the rehabilitation project. She left the project in 1994 after ten years, and the work continued for a further ten years until the whole organization was forced to close due to a lack of donor funding.


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